Press Release

BOSTON, February 28th, 2023 – In the Spring term, a disinformation campaign attempts to take root on college and university campuses. Widely advertised as “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW), the effort promoted by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR), and Palestinian Societies (PalSocs) spread the libelous assertion of “Israeli apartheid”— that the State of Israel systematically discriminates against the Palestinian people is guilty of “Jewish supremacy”.

Despite being widely disproven by experts including by researchers at CAMERA who have pointed out that Israel’s citizenship laws and integrated society and a complicated situation in the disputed territories do not amount to apartheid, anti-Zionist campus groups have not relented, choosing instead to target Jewish students, and institutions on campus.

In September 2022, nine student groups at the UC Berkeley School of Law adopted a bylaw banning Zionist speakers from club activities as part of an alleged “anti-racist and anti-settler colonialist stand”. In reality, Law Students for Justice in Palestine has attempted to monopolize the narrative and subvert intellectual diversity.

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