
האם ילדים פלסטינים נמצאים בבתי הכלא הישראלים?

Any Palestinian children detained by Israel are held by the Israel Prison Service, which is civilian-run. Reasons for the detainment of Palestinian children include violent acts such as rock-throwing, Molotov cocktail attacks, and even murder. Palestinian media, government officials, and religious leaders frequently encourage their youth to take violence against Israeli civilians.

השקר הגדול של אמנסטי אינטרנשיונל על ישראל

Amnesty International’s report Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians charges that Israel enforces a “cruel system of domination” against Palestinians (by which they also mean Israeli Arabs) which amounts to a “crime against humanity.” Because the generally accepted remedy for apartheid is that the guilty state be dismantled, such charges must be supported with iron-clad evidence. Does Amnesty’s report meet this challenge?…

דו"ח אמנסטי

The Amnesty Report, which came out in January 2022, is yet another travesty of a report that feigns concern for human rights. It makes several outlandish claims against Israel and omits crucial information to support their case. Check out our amazing resources to help you counter claims that Amnesty International has any leg to stand on when it comes to…

ידיעה לתקשורת

בוסטון, 7 במרץ, 2022 – מדי אביב, סטודנטים למען צדק בפלסטין (SJP), פרקי סולידריות למען זכויות האדם הפלסטיניות (SPHR) ואגודות פלסטיניות בקמפוסים אוניברסיטאיים ברחבי העולם מארחים את "שבוע האפרטהייד של ישראל" (IAW), סדרה של אירועים, תצוגות חוצות והפגנות שנועדו להשמיץ את מדינת ישראל ולפגוע בתומכיה. המטרה שלהם? לשכנע את הסטודנטים בקביעה המגוחכת שישראל היא "מדינת אפרטהייד" עם חוקים מדכאים ומעמד…

תיאור משאבים

Apartheid Week is an annual event on college campuses, featuring mock checkpoints, fake eviction notices, and problematic speakers meant to intimidate and harass students. SJP and its supporters design the campaign specifically to alarm students and increase hostility for Jews and Zionists, all under the guise of “awareness” of Palestinian struggles. However, bringing terrorists to campus does not spread awareness,…

תיאור החלפה קטלנית

Those with firsthand knowledge of US-Israel police exchange programs have thoroughly refuted this libel. As CAMERA’s Ricki Hollander has noted, “the [Deadly Exchange] campaign is built entirely on fabrications brazenly promoted by Israel’s antagonists whose main goal is to stir up hatred against the Jewish state and Jewish organizations in the U.S.” When Deadly Exchange activists liken these two issues,…

Human Rights Watch והטעיית המנהרות שלו – עודכן באישור אונר"א

In its recent report alleging Israeli war crimes in the May fighting with Hamas in Gaza, Human Rights Watch (see analysis here) repeatedly questioned Israel’s claims that the IDF was targeting Hamas tunnels and underground command centers, saying that HRW’s investigators could find no trace of these supposed tunnels. But now comes a report from Gal Berger, the Palestinian affairs…

מכתב שומר מאת אמנים ואנשי אקדמיה פלסטינים: ציונים הם גזענים

The Guardian published an op-ed length letter by dozens of Palestinian and Arab academics, journalists and intellectuals (including PLO official Hanan Ashrawi and Guardian contributors Raja Shehadeh and Rashid Khalidi) taking aim at the IHRA working definition of antisemitism. The letter (“Palestinian rights and the IHRA definition of antisemitism”, Nov. 29) begins with a variation of the Livingstone Formulation, by…

שקרי מכתב שומר על הגדרת האנטישמיות של IHRA

The Guardian continued its assault on the legitimacy of the International Holocaust Rememberance Association’s Working Definition of Antisemitism today by publishing a letter full of distortions about the definition. The IHRA definition, we should note, has been adopted or endorsed by 30 (democratic) countries, the EU Council, EU Parliament, EU Commission, EU Council, the UN Secretary General, the UN Special…

ישראל ממחזרת מים, אמירה האס ממחזרת חיובי מים כוזביםs

National Geographic magazine has an unfortunate habit of regularly publishing inaccurate and intemperate articles about Israel, which have falsely blamed Israel for expelling Palestinians, for being responsible for declines in the Arab Christian population (which has actually increased in Israel), for discriminating against Israeli Arabs, and for oppressing Bethlehem. To this list of false accusations the magazine has now added…