ישראל ממחזרת מים, אמירה האס ממחזרת חיובי מים כוזביםs

National Geographic magazine has an unfortunate habit of regularly publishing inaccurate and intemperate articles about Israel, which have falsely blamed Israel for expelling Palestinians, for being responsible for declines in the Arab Christian population (which has actually increased in Israel), for discriminating against Israeli Arabs, and for oppressing Bethlehem. To this list of false accusations the magazine has now added…

רקע: האם ישראל משתמשת במים “פלסטינים”?

In recent years press accounts have charged Israel with unfairly and illegally draining water from “Palestinian aquifers,” enabling Israelis to enjoy green lawns, clean cars and full swimming pools, while leaving Palestinians with barely enough to drink. Thus, the New York Times reported last year that: In the West Bank, water allocation is a zero-sum game, and Palestinians consider local…